Please email pictures of foam to [email protected] and [email protected]
Please provide date, time and location (address is easiest or major land mark, road end, etc.)
Also, if on private property, please provide permission to come onto the property and look for foam and sample if it is there.
AECOM, our contractor, will sample. It takes six 1-gallon zip lock baggies to gather enough foam so when it condenses back into water there is enough to analyze. The specific baggies, gloves, and all equipment have been sampled and verified PFAS free.
AECOM tries to eliminate any possible source of PFAS cross-contamination while sampling. Also, if any lake water is collected with the foam, it significantly dilutes the foam sample, so we do not get a good test result. AECOM also collects a water sample near the foam, so we can see if there is any correlation of PFAS in the water with PFAS in foam.
We do not encourage people to gather foam since the collection and testing protocol is very specific and sensitive. We are dealing with parts-per-trillion (ppt). 1 ppt = 0.000000001.
We typically do not sample the same location twice, unless the foam appears to be different than what was previously collected and sampled.
While there are currently no criteria to compare foam too, we want to gather as much information and at as many different locations as we can.
Appreciate everyone’s help with this.
From: Rothe, Randy (DEQ) <[email protected]>
D: 989-705-3416
C: 989-217-0083