Sign Up!Membership is open to all persons owning property between the lake shore and surrounding state land. Associate memberships are available to former property owners or to those who care deeply about Lake Margrethe.
Dues for LMPOA members and friends of the lake are due in January each year. The $35 membership provides the association with funds to offset the cost of communicating (newsletters and web site), annual membership meetings, water testing, maintenance & measurement of lake water levels, and much more. The LMPOA board and committee members are all volunteers. So every dollar goes directly to the support of lake issues. Membership also includes all family members, so please list their names as well (immediate family only). FEE Change Letter From President Chuck Spencer: To members and friends of the Lake Margrethe Property Owners Association: During the past several years, our organization has experienced an increase in the expenditures required for the day- to- day operation of the LMPOA. In our fall directors meeting, our directors voted to increase our yearly dues from $25 to $35 per year, $70 for a two year membership, $100 for a three year membership and $125 for a four year membership. Yearly dues for our organization have not changed in over 20 years and this increase is needed to insure that the LMPOA will continue well into the future. To protect our organization, a larger fund balance must be maintained in our account. For all members who have paid for multi-year renewals, their rates will not change until a membership renewal is required. The new dues structure will become effective October 25, 2018. The Lake Margrethe Foundation will continue in its role of supporting projects, which will benefit the lake, its residents and future generations. The foundation continues to pay for the lake’s treatment of Eurasian milfoil, and it will also begin to forward a donation to the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department to help defer the cost of maintaining the presence of the marine patrol on the lake during the summer months. In January and February, all members will be sent notices regarding membership status with the newly approved dues increases. If you have any questions regarding these changes please ask Sandra Michalik, Ray Basile, Doug Dodge, Mark Lux, Mike Bushre, Bob Wilson, Harry Wojcik, John Alef, or Chuck Spencer. Sincerely, Chuck Spencer President LMPOA Please note the link to the FOUNDATION below: |
Print out this form and mail with your check made out to LMPOA for $35 or see multi-year pricing below.LMPOA
PO Box 583 Grayling, MI 49738 Name(s): _______________________________________________________________ Address 1: _______________________________________________________________ Address 1: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________ Email Adress (VERY important) _________________________________________ 1 year membership: _____ $ 35 2 year membership: _____ $ 70 3 year membership: _____ $ 100 4 year membership: _____ $ 125 Comments: |
On-line giving to the Lake Margrethe Foundation Fund is both easy and tax efficient.!. You may give a gift to the Lake Margrethe Foundation Fund endowment. Your gift may be memorialized and will remain in the foundation to assist in the care of our lake for many generations. The endowment generates 3-5% interest, which is available to be granted to projects deemed in the best interest of the lake.
For more information about the foundation click on the link below. |
How do members of the association and friends of Lake Margrethe make direct gifts the Lake Margrethe Foundation Fund?Click the following link:
Once you have reached the Foundation's web site, complete the form. If you would like all or part of your gift to designated to the remediation of Eurasian Milfoil please indicated this in the comments section. You will receive a confirming letter indicating your gift(s) to registed Michigan community foundation. Thank You! |