This report was submitted by director, Tom Jarosz
May 16, 2018
Jeannine Taylor, Health District #10, 989-348-7800, ext. 3823
I contacted Jeannine and got the following information:
May 16, 2018
Jeannine Taylor, Health District #10, 989-348-7800, ext. 3823
I contacted Jeannine and got the following information:
- 268 wells have been tested for PFOA and PFAS. EPA allowable limit is less than 70 parts per trillion. So far, they have received the results on 219 wells. 182 are non-detect; 36 are detection, but below the 70 ppt; 1 exceeds the 70 ppt. (South Bay).
- The State Health Dept. is offering free filters to anyone that had a result other than non-detect.
- The State of Michigan is planning a public meeting on June 5 at the Grayling High School Cafeteria, 4:30 for folks with general questions or questions. 6 p.m. State experts will conduct the official public meeting. This meeting will discuss this subject matter with regards to the Airfield and Lake Margrethe.