Rick Harland, township supervisor, has received written notice from Mr. Lapworth stating that he wishes to withdraw his request for a special use permit. There will not be a marina.
LMPOA President, Chuck Spencer is pleased to announce that Mr. Lapworth has rescinded his request for a special use permit to open a marina on the north shore of Lake Margrethe.
Rick Harland, township supervisor, has received written notice from Mr. Lapworth stating that he wishes to withdraw his request for a special use permit. There will not be a marina.
The Planning Council meeting to consider the Lapworth marina request will take
place on Wednesday April 25, 2018. The meeting will begin at 7:00PM and it will again be important for as many people as possible to attend this meeting. Thank you! I have just spoken to Rick Harland who told me that the meeting April 25 is a planning council meeting at which time a decision on the marina project may or may not be made. Township officials have 90 days from the public meeting on March 28 to make a decision and the Township board may or may not be required to vote on the planning council's recommendation. The planning council may also meet prior to the April 25 meeting to consider additional information presented by Mr. Lapworth relating to the proposed marina. The planning council may accept, accept with conditions, or reject The members of the planning council include:Jerry Gosnell, James Cox, James Robson, JoAnn Michal, and Mark Dedenbach. Mr. Robson has not attended either public meeting and is moving downstate. The township board may have to vote on the planning council's recommendation. Those members include Rick Harland,Supervisor, Monica Ashton,clerk, Cindy Olson,treasurer, and trustees Dennis Long, Dwayne Brooks, Jeri Selthoffer and JoAnn Michal. It will be very important for as many people as possible to attend the scheduled meeting on April 25, 2018. Mr. Harland tells me that he is preparing a packet of materials to present to the township attorney to advise him of the defendability of township's position. |
February 2021