I want to give a heads-up about an upcoming training operation. The military is looking to have aquatic vehicle maneuvers into Lake Margrethe, set up temporary aquatic bridges, drive up Little Bear Point, and possibly camp at Little Bear Point. These activities would take place between tomorrow and June 11. See below for details and approval from DNR.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Mike Ravesi
Natural Resources Specialist
Environmental Office
Building 100A
Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center
Grayling, MI 49739
From: Thiel, Susan (DNR) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:59 AM
To: Ravesi, Michael J CIV NG MIARNG (US) <[email protected]>; Bolan, Kimberly A NFG NG MIARNG (US) <[email protected]>
Cc: Godby, Neal (DNR) <[email protected]>; Charlebois, Joan (DNR) <[email protected]>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: EMR CCAA map
Mike and Kim:
Per your phone call on Saturday it sounds like troops want to perform temporary bridge buildings/rafting at Little Bear Point (the sand point south of the waste water treatment plan on Lake Margrethe. I believe this is the same area in which a similar activity was done last year along with operations of amphibious vehicles. They are supposed to start Tuesday June 5 and be done by next week- correct? In addition to bridge building, they would like to camp out on site in that immediate area.
I don't see any issues with encampment around Little Bear Point, as outlined in the red rectangular area in photo below. I would want them to stay out of the Massasauga CCA area (hemlock stand) to the north of there. I am assuming you will double check to make sure there are not conflicts with other T&E records, archeological and historical records for that site.
For the bridge building/rafting activity- since that has been a historical practice, I don't anticipate any issues. I am copying fisheries biologist Neal Godby on this so he is not surprised by it. Neal- this activity is supposed to occur this week by NG for training.
I would recommend letting the Lake Margrethe Property Owner's association know. They have been notified in the past of such operations. Would be good to keep up the practice. Susan